Contact-us If you would like further information, do not hesitate to contact the APGL by the means made available to you.You can also leave your message by leaving your details in the form below, we will answer you as soon as possible. Address Association des Parents et futurs parents Gays et Lesbiens - APGL34 avenue du docteur Gley75020 Paris France We do not have public reception at this address. General contact Mobile : +336 50 97 45 79Email : Press contact Mobile : +336 16 66 56 91 (APGL spokesperson)Email : Research contact Reserved for students and researchersEmail : Formation contact Email : Branches contact To contact our branches, click here Contact the APGL The APGL is an association managed solely by active members who give their free time to advance the demands of homoparents and their families. We try to respond to various requests as soon as possible, but it may happen that messages take a little longer to get a response. If this was the case for your message, we already apologize for the inconvenience. First name * Name * E-mail * Phone Mobile Message * Privacy Policy * I have read and accept the Privacy Policy Send Name